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Start a Baking Business

Time and time again, you have delighted the taste buds of your neighbors, co-workers and family members with your sumptuous baked products. Why not parlay your passion for baking into profits?

Launching a baking business will require research of your target markets and obtaining the proper license(s) and equipment to set up shop. Many entrepreneurs have been successful operating a home based baking business. Others have chosen actual storefronts. As your business grows, the latter may be inevitable.

Here are a few niches to consider:

- Pies 

- Wedding cakes 

- Birthday cakes 

- Gourmet cookies 

- Brownies 

- Breads 

- Food truck/baked products 

- Sell baking recipes online

Sales & Marketing:

- Sell your baked goods to local restaurants and specialty food stores. 

- Work exclusively with caterers/or start your own catering biz. 

- Start a mail-order/online business. 

- Gift baskets 

- Fundraisers 

- Church/Neighborhood Bake Sales 

- Author your own cookbooks. 

- Host a Baking Television Program 

- Start and monetize a baking blog. 

Use social media to gain visibility, attract and engage with current and potential customers.

Industry Resources & Inspiration

Home Baking Association

The Bread Bakers Guild of America

Retail Bakers Association

American Institute of Baking

Pastry Chefs of America

Independent Bakers Association

Stay up-to-date with all the latest news and trends in the baking world: www.bakingbusiness.com

How elegant are the roses, such elegance perfuming the air.
- A Walk In The Garden Greetings

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